SOCIETY | 11:04 / 15.06.2024
2 min read

United States imposed sanctions against three citizens of Uzbekistan for links with ISIS

The United States, in coordination with Turkish authorities, has imposed sanctions against individuals associated with the activities of the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS), according to the State Department website.

Photo: Reuters

Three members of a smuggling network linked to ISIS were sanctioned. This:

•  Muhammadyusuf Alisher ugli Mirzoyev is an Uzbek citizen who was involved in efforts to establish an ISIS-linked “military” training camp in mid-2023, the statement said. The Turkish government also imposed sanctions against Mirzoyev;
•  Muhammad Ibrohimjon Niyazov is a citizen of Uzbekistan and a supporter of the ISIS-linked smuggling network. According to the US, Niyazov provided administrative and logistical support to ISIS members in Turkey. The Turkish government also imposed sanctions against Niyazov;
•  Olimkhon Mahmudjon ugli Ismailov lives in Uzbekistan and is a member of an ISIS-linked smuggling network, the report states.

In addition, the State Department designated Adam Khamirzayev, known as “Adam Islamovich Oliferchik,” to the list of Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) as the leader of ISIS. Sanctions have also been imposed against him.

All property and assets that these individuals own in the United States or that are in the possession or control of a US citizen are blocked, the statement said. Turkish authorities are taking “internal measures” against Khamirzayev and members of this network, the State Department said.

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