Supermoon event in Tashkent (photos)
On July 13, the distance between the Earth and the Moon decreased to a minimum in 2022. People around the world got a chance to see a larger than usual full moon, especially the craters on its surface.

At 14:00 by Tashkent time, the Moon reached the closest point of its orbit to the Earth, at which time the distance between the Earth and its natural satellite was 357 thousand kilometers – this is the minimum for 2022.

On the same day as perigee (the Moon’s closest approach to the Earth), the Moon’s official full day also falls on July 13 – the time between the two astronomical events was 9 hours.

Usually, the full moon occurs at least three days after the time when the moon reaches the closest point of its orbit to the Earth. Perigee and full moon occur on the same day almost every year, but it is a relatively rare event that the difference between them is only 9 days.

Earlier, five images of exoplanets taken by the James Webb telescope, published by NASA, surprised many.