SOCIETY | 13:27 / 12.02.2025
2 min read

Deputies unanimously approve state policy on religious affairs and send it to the Senate

On February 11, during the next plenary session, the deputies of the Oliy Majlis adopted the "Concept of Ensuring Citizens' Freedom of Faith and State Policy in the Religious Sphere" and its corresponding draft law in the second and third readings, before sending it to the Senate. Once approved by the Senate and signed by the president, the document will come into effect.

Photo: KUN.UZ

The concept, developed by the Legislative Chamber, was first approved in the first reading on January 31 and put out for public discussion until February 9. During the discussions, over 400 comments, suggestions, and recommendations were received from the public, with more than 200 of them being positive.

Additionally, on February 6, the Legislative Chamber held a meeting with 16 representatives of various religious confessions to discuss the concept draft.

"The concept draft was further refined based on the suggestions and feedback from the public. In particular, over 10 amendments and additions were made to the concept based on the proposals from citizens Jahongir Safoyev, Ahmadjon Oripov, Amirulla Tukhliboyev, Shakhnoza Gaffarova, and members of the Legislative Chamber," the Oliy Majlis report stated.

During the plenary session of the lower chamber, all deputies and faction leaders who spoke and asked questions emphasized the importance of the document, noting that it had been thoroughly "worked out." No critical suggestions or opinions were raised regarding the document, and the concerns voiced during the discussions were not incorporated. A total of 141 deputies agreed to adopt the document, 1 remained neutral, and 2 did not vote. No deputy opposed the adoption of the concept.

For reference, the 41-article concept, in the form of a law, outlines 10 main tasks, 6 principles, and 3 priority directions for state policy in the religious sphere.

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