SOCIETY | 18:13 / 31.01.2025
5 min read

Gender imbalance is widening in Uzbekistan’s newborns

Since 2000, Uzbekistan has seen a consistent trend of more boys being born than girls, with the gender imbalance accumulating to over 624,000 in the past 24 years. This disparity has led to an increase in the age at which men marry, while the age for women to marry has decreased. The deeply rooted Uzbek mentality of “having a son like a sheep” could give rise to significant societal challenges in the future.

This continuous disparity in the birth rate of girls is referred to as the “Missing Women” phenomenon in scientific circles. According to the Statistics Agency, since 2000, more boys than girls have been born every year in Uzbekistan. Over the past 24 years, this imbalance has accumulated to 624,525. While this may not be an extremely alarming figure compared to other countries, Uzbekistan must avoid repeating the mistakes made by China and India.

First and foremost, this gender imbalance is putting excessive pressure on people of marriageable age. Simply put, there are not enough women for all the men who are of marriage age. This could result in delayed marriages for men and an increase in early marriages for women. Looking at the specific numbers, in 2012, the average age of women marrying for the first time was 22.4, but by 2023, it had dropped to 21.9. For men, the average age rose from 25.7 to 26.3. Notably, in 2023, the legal minimum marriage age for women was raised from 17 to 18. Generally, improvements in education and living standards lead to a rise in the average marriage age. However, despite the improvements in Uzbekistan’s standard of living in recent years, the marriage age gap between men and women has diverged. Interestingly, the age of 22 coincides with the typical age for completing higher education.

The number of marriages has also seen a notable decline. For example, in 2012, 299,000 marriages were registered, but by 2024, this number had dropped to 271,000. This shift, according to the law of supply and demand, has provided Uzbek women with a broader pool of potential marriage candidates. If we view this as a market, the growing deficit of women in the local marriage market could begin to be addressed by foreign brides. For instance, in Russia, a major destination for Uzbek labor migrants, there are 86.7 men for every 100 women, and in Kazakhstan, the ratio is 92.6 men per 100 women. Many European countries, South Korea, and Japan also face a gender imbalance in favor of men. Additionally, in Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, which share similar cultural values, the gender ratio also favors men. These countries and regions could be considered potential "bride exporters." According to data released in 2022, the largest number of foreign brides in Uzbekistan came from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan.

From the perspective of behavioral economics, the higher spending by unmarried men on goods and services can stimulate the economy. However, studies indicate that in countries with a significant number of unmarried men, there is an increase in social unrest, crime rates, and higher levels of stress. Furthermore, if the gender birth imbalance continues to widen, it could lead to other negative outcomes, such as an increase in sexual violence.

In China, the "One-Child Policy" led many families to prefer male children. As a result, abortions were often performed to eliminate female fetuses, contributing to the "Missing Women" phenomenon. Experts predict that by 2025, 25% of Chinese men over the age of 30 will remain single.This trend has also been linked to an increase in human trafficking for sexual exploitation, prostitution, the spread of infectious diseases, and a decline in birth rates.

India has been tackling this issue systematically. In 2015, the Indian government launched the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” (Save the Girl, Educate the Girl) campaign, which aims to provide social support for girls.

In conclusion, Uzbekistan's cultural preference for sons over daughters could lead to serious challenges in the future. Therefore, the government must expand programs that support girls and ensure gender balance for a healthier societal development.

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