SOCIETY | 15:13 / 11.09.2024
2 min read

"Navoiuran" ranks 6th globally in uranium production

The state company accounts for 7% of the world's uranium output. Since 2010, "Kazatomprom" has maintained its leadership position.

Photo: Wikimedia

In 2023, "Navoiuran" ranked 6th in the world for uranium production, according to a "Rosatom" report citing UxC.

According to industry company UxC, global natural uranium production increased by 10% last year, reaching 54.8 thousand tons. About 87% of this output came from the nine largest companies.

Since 2010, "Kazatomprom" has led uranium production, holding a 20% market share. Canadian company Cameco took second place with 15% of global production, thanks to the restart of the McArthur River mine.

The top five also include Russia’s state corporation "Rosatom" (with a 14% share), France’s Orano, and China’s CGN (each holding 10%).

"Navoiuran" accounts for 7% of the world’s uranium production — over 3.8 thousand tons. It is followed by China’s CNNC (6%) and the UK’s BHP (5%).

In July 2022, "Navoiuran" revealed its revenue and profit figures for the first time. In the first quarter, the state enterprise sold uranium and other materials worth 767.4 billion sums.

By the end of last year, the production of uranium concentrate in Uzbekistan had increased by 11%, reaching 6.7 trillion sums ($600 million). This year, "Navoiuran" plans to invest $145 million in eight projects, with $50 million coming from foreign investments.

In recent months, China National Nuclear Corporation and China Nuclear Uranium have expressed interest in joint uranium extraction with "Navoiuran."

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