Mobile operator Perfectum privatized
It became known that 100% of the shares of Rubicon Wireless Communication LLC were transferred to entrepreneur Iminov Abdumalik. Most likely this happened last year. An open competition for the sale of a 65% state stake in the company has not been announced.

Mobile operator Perfectum has been privatized. Timurmalik Elmurodov, the author of the Telegram channel “Pik skartarisa”, drew attention to this.
According to the register of enterprises and organizations, today, as of March 15 (this was also the case on January 9), 100% of the legal entity of the Perfectum operator, Rubicon Wireless Communication LLC, passed to Iminov Abdumalik. The head of the company is Dmitry Shukov.
The privatization of Perfectum was determined by a presidential decree of October 27, 2020, when the company first increased its investment attractiveness and was then included in the list of state assets for sale. At that time, 65% of the company’s shares belonged to the state Agency for Management of State Assets, and 35% to Amis Protrade International, a company registered in the United States.
During the period following this, no open competition was announced for the sale of state-owned shares of Perfectum, nor was there any information about the privatization of the company. sent a request about this to the State Assets Management Agency.
The official website of Perfectum reports that as of December 12, 2023, the company’s name was changed to RWC LLC. In the fall of 2023, the company announced a large-scale transformation; Dmitry Shukov, who previously also led the telecom operators MTS and Beeline in Uzbekistan, was appointed to a leadership position.
Abdumalik Iminov, who became the owner of RWC, as of July 2023, owned shares in two LLCs – “Ravnaq-Omad-Biznes” (rent and management of space for organizing trade) and “Sirdaryo Kumir Invest” (non-specialized wholesale trade) and later left the founders.
Perfectum has become the third largest government asset to be sold off in a non-transparent manner in recent weeks.
Thus, the number of private operators in the mobile communication services market in Uzbekistan has reached three: Beeline (Unitel LLC), Humans (Humans LLC) and Perfectum. This market also operates entirely state-owned Uzmobile (Uzbektelecom JSC) and UMS (Universal Mobile Systems LLC), as well as Ucell (Coscom LLC) with state participation.
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