Amount of payment for car license plates to change from November 1

Based on the order No. 396 of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Pulat Bobojonov, dated August 10, 2023, changes were made to the rates of fees charged for issuing registration number plates, replacing invalid, damaged or damaged ones.
In particular, from November 1, 2023, the following amount of fees will come into force:
1. For registration of vehicle number plates - in the amount of 3.5 BCAs;
2. For registration of vehicle number plates of motor vehicles, scooters and trailers (semi-trailers) - in the amount of 1.75 BCA;
3. For transit vehicle numberplates - in the amount of 25% of the base calculating amount;
4. For issuing a new number plate instead of a pair of invalid, broken or damaged one - in the amount of 3.5 BCAs;
5. For issuing a new vehicle number plate in place of an unusable, broken or damaged one - in the amount of 1.75 BCA.
- to issue a new pair of vehicle number plate in place of a lost piece or pair of number plate, a fee is charged at the rate of 3.5 times the base calculation amount;
- 1.75 BCA is charged for issuing a new number plate in place of a lost one (for motor vehicles, scooters and trailers (semi-trailers));
- for keeping a number plate for another year after twelve months, 1 BCA is charged.
No fee is charged for issuing a number plate to a vehicle given by the labor authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan to persons with disabilities on preferential terms.
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