UzAuto Motors responds to Kusherbayev on charges of inflated prices for ambulances
UzAuto Motors responded to accusations voiced by MP Rasul Kusherbayev.

Earlier, Kusherbayev wrote on his Facebook page that the company sells ambulance cars at high prices.
“Deputy Kusherbayev, having made a loud statement yesterday that UzAuto Motors sells ambulances at high prices, went beyond the framework of civilized dialogue, since for an unprepared reader this means that our company deliberately inflates prices at these difficult times. Of course, there is no truth in this, and UzAuto Motors, knowing well that populism is the main weapon for some politicians, is ready to sort out Rasul Khidraliyevich’s accusations point by point,” the statement reads.
The company notes that “an experienced parliamentarian should bear great responsibility for his words”. “Obviously, for a deputy, this is just a post designed to gather light coverage by contrasting his persona with the whole industry. However, basic respect for your constituents means providing them with verified information. Alas, there is no credibility in the deputy’s words.”
UzAuto Motors said that from the very beginning of the pandemic they have been actively involved in the fight against coronavirus, although they still have not advertised their charity events.
“Probably, Rasul Khidraliyevich would like all ambulance cars to be provided free of charge? But, in connection with this idea of the highly respected deputy of the Legislative Chamber, we would like to recall some of the norms of the Law of Uzbekistan “On charity”. According to them, the annual charity expenses of business entities with a state share in the authorized capital of over 50% should not exceed 10% of the net profit received for the previous year. In connection with this, UzAuto Motors, which in the first half of the year alone channeled more than 37 billion soums to charity, cannot cross this threshold,” the company said.
The company called on Kusherbayev, since he is one of the responsible persons in developing laws as a deputy, to abolish these restrictions for charitable activities.
“Who develops laws in our country? Heads of UzAuto Motors or deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis? Everything is in your hands, dear Kusherbayev. UzAuto Motors in its charitable activities is guided by laws developed by you, limited by the framework you have introduced. So why does the negativity come from you?” UzAuto Motors added.
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