SOCIETY | 20:29 / 13.04.2019
4 min read

Ministry of Health calls on starting healthy weight loss with physical activity (photo)

The Ministry of Health traditionally organizes mass events dedicated to promotion of a healthy lifestyle. A logical continuation of these efforts was “The Day of healthy weight loss”, which took place on April 13. Activities on active walking for 5 kilometers and cycling have been organized. The department of public relations of the Ministry of Health reports about it.

“Indeed, in our country, special attention is paid to a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of mass event is promoting physical activity in the form of walking, cycling and gymnastics, along with increasing interest of young people in physical culture and sport – it is a transformation of activity into the image of everyday life. An increase in the number of participants in mass events organized every week and an increase in the population’s interest in physical activity are the first steps towards the set goals. This is a result of the fact that we pay more attention not to the disease, but to its prevention,” Minister of Health Alisher Shadmanov says.

At the event, special attention was paid to walking and cycling. Active walking helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.

Cycling is another convenient form of physical activity. This type of physical activity strengthens the muscular, cardiovascular systems, develops breathing rhythms. Systemic movement removes fat, eliminates excess fluid, thus, helps to lose weight. As well as a systematic bike ride in the process of healthy weight loss helps to avoid sagging of the skin during weight loss.

During the mass events organized in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city, employees of the Ministry of Health, representatives of republican specialized scientific and practical medical centers and their branches, medical institutions of the republic and regions, collaborating organizations in the regions, students of medical universities and colleges, community heads actively participated.

In turn, it is worth recalling that every Saturday in all regions of our country, mass events are held dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle. In particular, on March 9, a Walking Day was organized, on March 16 – Walking Marathon, on March 23 – “Day of stepping on the way to health”, on March 30 – “Cycling Day” and on April 6, mass events on active walking for 5 kilometers and gymnastics took place in honor of World Health Day.

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